Go swimming lots...
(Tori has progressed to swimming all over the pool this year, including the deep end!)
(Tori has progressed to swimming all over the pool this year, including the deep end!)
Help Mom plant and water flowers all over the yard. (The above pic was taken in my potting shed. I plan to blog about it later.)
Make lots of spaghetti sauce to eat now and freeze for later...A family recipe I will share with you soon.
And finally, read lots in your parent's bed. Isn't that the best place in the house? (By the way, JJ and I are reading the Harry Potter series this summer to get ready to visit Harry Potter World at Universal Studios in July.)
I know that you have seen it on the daily forecasts, and maybe you are experiencing it too. (If so, you have my condolences.) We are in a very hot/dry weather pattern that usually doesn't happen around here until much later in the summer!!! What happened to our mild June days? I really despise this hot weather, and I hope that we have some relief soon!!!
Aside from the heat, we have had a great first week off. Well except for a couple of things...The first day, the kids and I really just chilled, played some, and rested. After that, we have been doing the appointment thing...JJ will have braces by Christmas (What a gift!?! He has one more tooth to lose...And he really isn't too excited about the whole ordeal he has in front of him.), and our little doxy, Perci will have to have surgery this summer to repair her left hind leg (Something we have been watching grow progressively worse since we adopted her...Our vet said that it is time, so she will be in major recovery for two weeks ("Cone of shame" type) and then four weeks of "therapy." (And guess who will be her P.T.? You guessed it...Moi!) You go in for a well-check and shots, and you come out with a estimate of an expensive major surgery for your furry babe. Dr. Susan has assured us that she will be so much better and lose the extra two pounds she has gained because of the pain that leads to her inactivity. I want her better...and the kids are really sad about all of this.
That didn't really sound like a good first week off...Thanks for listening to all of that. No, really, despite those two things and the heat, it really has been a good one. As far as the next two weeks, the kids have VBS starting tonight, and next week is vacation #1 to NYC. Projects abound in this household...cleaning, organizing, getting ready for the major kitchen re-do, and a major outside project (You'll have to wait on this reveal later!). Life is always interesting and busy around here!
As I type this, there is a thunderstorm brewing...Hopefully with a reprieve from the heat! Have a great Sunday evening. And I hope to catch up with my blog friends while the kids are gone to VBS!!!
Sounds like you are having a wonderful start to your summer holiday!!! what a great way to get ready for Universal, it will make the trip so memorable.
Keep cool!
...psst looking forward to hearing more about your pasta recipe!
I can't wait to see and read more about your potting shed. Harry Potter World ROCKS! Chris would live there if he could. Sounds like a fun summer ahead at your household. Stay cool. HUGS!!
Our summer starts next week, and I can hardly wait! It always goes by so fast, doesn't it? My husband and I are also going to New York to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary! For this California girl, it's going to be a trip of a lifetime!
You always have good plans and fun trips for the summer.
Sorry to hear about Perci. That won't be very fun for anyone...and I definitely understand that first hand.
I am SO going to need that spaghetti recipe. That looks fabulous!
Sorry about the heat. We had it here too (never as bad as the South though). Thunderstorms last night as well. Weird.
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