That's it in a nutshell, pardon the pun. Our house has been turned upside down, and it takes twice as long to get anything done! My house usually has some kind of order to it, although it may not be the cleanest house on the block. The criminal in question that has caused me to be batty, nutty, and just plain bonkers is our kitchen renovation. I am pleased to report that the messy part is done, and tomorrow the cabinets will finally emerge from their boxes to adorn my kitchen!
My mother came by today to see the progress, and she noted that I have a pretty decent temporary kitchen. Yes, I am blessed that I do have a utility sink in our little laundry room and the kid's playroom can house the fridge. Jonathan's air hockey table is serving as our prep area and non-perishable food storage source. I have used my mother's and mother-in-law's kitchens; our wonderful neighbors (the Jones family) has sent food and invited us over; and our crock pot has seen more use lately. Yes, when I analyze the eating situation, it hasn't been that bad. What is killing me is the dust, the pile of boxes here and there, and the fact I can't start my fall decorating until we get past this weekend.
Out of the need to be creative, to match my nutty frame of mind, and to celebrate the flurry of the fall season, Tori and I decided to try the edible acorns featured in the latest edition of Family Fun. She really enjoyed helping with these, and for little ones, it is an ideal craft. Her preschool class had a fit over them, and her teachers are planning on using this for a next year snack time mini-project.
Hopefully, after Thursday, I can report some significant changes in our chaotic household!
Until then, enjoy watching the world change into its autumnal splendor...
Those acorns are adorable! I have never seen anything like that. Sadly, I have great difficulty finding those wafers in Canada (I always see them cited in really neat recipes) and I am never able to find them until I cross the border!
I don't envy you going through this kitchen renovation, it must be so difficult on your family (vis meal prep, etc.) but when it is all over it will be so worth it!
Love the acorns. My granddaughters love making things so I think we will try them. Thanks for sharing and good luck with the house. Blessings
When I saw that acorn recipe in the latest issue, I knew you'd attempt it. I want to do this with Josie too. It's adorable! I'm impressed with your make-shift kitchen set-up. It's pretty darn impressive. Hang in there. I can't wait to see more progress!
What a great idea for acorn treats! Ruby is completely obsessed with collecting acorns, so we will definitely be making these.
Can't wait to see the finished kitchen project!
You and your crafty sweet treats. You are my go to source for cool stuff like that. Very nice.
Bring on the cabinets!
Hang in there mama.
Those acorns are just so darn cute! No wonder Tori's teacher wants to steal the idea. I would too!
I can tell that your new kitchen is going to be wonderful! We are getting ready to start a kitchen mini remodel ourselves. Outside my door are all the remnants of the old bathroom we removed to make the kitchen larger. I completely understand what you're going through! :)
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