Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy Winter!!!

Visiting Santa at our local Sears this afternoon after our marathon day of appointments...Since the Christmas season started, Tori has asked when Santa was going to come and visit there. She loves visiting with this Santa...He is the store owner and really enjoys doing this every year.
Tori tells Santa that she wants a pink scooter with pads and a helmet.

Our Winter Solstice was filled with lots of fog, misty rain, and cold temps. Our Winter has really been here for three weeks already, and the weather people are forecasting snow at Christmas! That would be totally awesome if we could still travel around without any slick roads. In ET, when we have snow and ice, traveling can be very treacherous because of two factors: One, we aren't veteran drivers when it comes to those conditions; and two, we have such curvy, inclined roads. Yes, I want my cake and be able to eat it, too!

Sophie is doing great after her "female" surgery yesterday. I have never seen kids (furry and human) so happy to see one another. J and T have been loving on her carefully, and Perci will occasionally give her a little lick on the nose. It wasn't the same household yesterday without her!

Tomorrow is JJ's 11th birthday...Yep, we have a tween on our hands. It is a bittersweet time...

Check back later for his birthday bash with family...


Musings from Kim K. said...

Such a sweet pictures. Birthday celebrations too! Wow. You've got a busy schedule!

Sue Jolly said...

Your children are getting so big. It doesn't seem possible that JJ wil soon be a teenager. I did not know you until I saw you on youbelong when my daughter was adopting her second daughter from China. She shares aJJ's birthday. So Happy Birthday to JJ.